Since the arrival of Ike, nearly 1 month ago, our lives have changed. How I personally look at the world around me has changed. Here is my best "update" on how things are going in the Klinger household during operation recovery from Ike.
Week of September 22nd:
On Sunday our insurance claims adjuster was present and went through the house taking all of the measurements, assessing the damage and asking questions. It will be a while to get the feedback from the process, of which I am still waiting as I type this almost 3 weeks later.
For our claim, we had to also show a listing and table of our contents. One of the key learning moments for me in this process is in the details. I can not stress enough for any homeowner to create a list of contents and to inventory your home. Had a list been done for us, I am sure we would have been able to speed up the process much faster than it has gone. If you want tips, just let me know. I have a pretty slick system down using excel. :-)
This was my second week of being out of work due to Ike. I am fortunate that I am being supported by my supervisor Katherine, which allowed me to be at home to manage all that Ike has brought into our lives.
This is the first week that life started to return to normal routines. I don't think "Normal" exists anymore, as I feel we will have to create a new "normal" once we get on our feet. Some of the returning routines were Debra and Garrett back to work and school, and Audra and Nolan returned back in day care full swing on their schedule. This was helpful in getting us going in the right direction.
I personally, began managing more of our contents list, running errands, and getting more trash put out to the curb. A process that ran for most of the following week.
On Thursday, September 25th, I returned to UHCL to teach my Leaders In Action class and was met with wonderful support system and encouragement that this too, shall pass.
One of the challenges for me in all of this has related to receiving the support we have from others. I am usually on the giving side. On the 26th, I hosted Community Spotlight. I coordinated with the Greater Houston Chapter of the American Red Cross to share their efforts, needs, and information on the road to recovery. You can listen to the show here:( This was my little way of giving back.
The 26th also marked the 9th anniversary for my wife Debra and I. This is our second anniversary to have been celebrated after returning from a mandatory evacuation. Oh the memories.
Week of September 29th:
On Monday, September 29th, C.O.R.E team members showed up to begin the demo process of our home. I would like to thank the following C.O.R.E team members for their support. Oh, and by the way, C.O.R.E stands for Christians Organized for Relief Effort. (
My heartfelt thanks and gratitude goes out to the following who helped us begin the road to recovery. Many thanks goes out to Angel and Cheryl Davila, Rick Burke, Jon Takersley, Michael Merritt, Rusty Lacy, Kristin Harpold, Chuck Land, Mike Laible, Rusty Bussey, David Forte, Larry Jave, Harold and Judith Walling, and Debbie Salter. They were instrumental in helping us move forward. I thank God for their blessings of time, energy, and supportive ears and statements. Thank you all!
The remainder of the week was on administrative tasks and completing our contents list. There was more to be done with the house, but enough was well, enough.
Week of October 6th:
Back to work! That's right. I returned to my post at UHCL officially on this date. I returned with mixed emotions. I was eager to get back to stability, angry because I had to return. There is still so much to be done. Phone calls to be made. Contractors to line up. More phone calls to be made. How can I think about work?
The reality is, coming back to work was the best thing I could have asked for. Sure, I have had my ups and downs, but getting back in routine, visiting and sharing Ike stories with others, and getting away from our damaged home were all great for my spirits. The peaks and valley's have been present during all of this. Returning to work helped to level them out some.
I was also able to celebrate my birthday (10/8) and was very grateful for my office mates who through me a birthday luncheon. A tradition we do for all HR staff.
Where are we now?
In an effort to end the rambling, I thought the following bullets would be helpful.
- Living Arrangements: We finally found a 3 bedroom apartment to rent and should be moving in sometime in the first or second week of November. The apartment is very nice, spacious floor plan, and located in Pasadena, Texas. Looking forward to being back on our own.
- House: We are awaiting an updated appraisal from the Harris County Appraisal District. This will help us make a more informed decision about the future of our home.
- Insurance: No real word yet on when we will get any funding. The only word I have is they are close and estimated over 50K in damages to our house. Not sure that will fix it all, but we shall see.
I think that about covers all I can muster up to share at this time. There are many stories to share from all of this. One day I will process them better, but for now, this shall have to do.
Thank you to all who have offered up supportive emails and phone calls. It is greatly appreciated!
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